Where Were You?

Hope for the Journey

Where Were You?

How are you guys doing? If you are watching the news and looking around at this world you may answer with a negative tone and clean it up by saying “I’m still here”. It’s been a lot going on in the media and my personal life is ummmm up in the air. I have been feeling antsy and weary with my situation and all the negativity I have seen over the last few weeks. Lately, I have been feeling myself getting distracted and not being able to focus like normal. I watch YouTube daily for bible sermons and music, but now the shorts pop up and I find myself watching the opposite of my norm. I may look up and realize I have been scrolling for 30 min. and never made it to a sermon or music. I have not been doing a great job of guarding what I am allowing into my spirit. So I received a text earlier today about bible study at New Covenant Church in McDonough, GA and the lesson title from Kristy McLemore was Sneaky Distractions. I knew I needed to be in the building. She allowed God to speak through her and did a great job of teaching. As she was speaking Holy Spirit convicted me about my attitude, words, and personal distractions. I have been forgetting my assignment with the children He allows me to encounter and I was starting to do His job. I had been applying for jobs, looking at houses, and basically was going to help God out with my situation because He must have forgotten about me. Sound familiar? I am sure that you have felt like God was taking to long or not doing things the way you thought He should. When we feel like that we start veering off course and slowly easing out of God’s will. It seems so unnatural to just sit and wait on God, but that’s what I have been instructed to do. I mean God did give me a promise so surely I should be taking part in making it happen AND I’ve been waiting long enough…ummmm NO! Go sit down somewhere! My job is to believe, be obedient, and He will take care of the rest. As Kristy was speaking she used the scripture Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”. She held up a tube and looked through it. All she could see was 1 person (narrow view) instead of the whole church. Our understanding is limited and our view is narrow. God knows all and sees all. His plan is so much better than ours, and yet we try to intervein. As she was closing she spoke about how arrogance can distract us and shift us from where God wants us. She used Job 38: 4-7 “Where were you when I established the earth? Tell me, if you have[a] understanding. Who fixed its dimensions? Certainly you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? What supports its foundations? Or who laid its cornerstone while the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy”? When I say that first part Where were you hit my spirit so hard, all I could do was repent. How dare I be so cocky and arrogant to think that I know what God should be doing. He didn’t need my help creating the world and He doesn’t need OUR help running things. We are quick to question and criticize God’s motives and leadership ability because we are leaning on our own understanding. I would advise you to back up and remember who He is. HE IS STILL GOD! No matter what we see going on around us, He is still in control. He created us to do a specific work in the Earth and we need to stay in our lane. If you had siblings and one got in trouble, they told the others to steer clear. The way God checked me tonight, I thought I would save you from that whooping. Take heed and fall back in line. Your job is to believe and be obedient, He doesn’t need your help although He is kind enough to ask our opinion sometimes. He is awesome at working things for our good, and He can see past the now. You do not need to make anything happen. Trust Him and watch His plan unfold in His time.