The Path

Hope for the Journey

The Path

The other day I was led to walk this new trail in Georgia. The water was absolutely gorgeous and I was excited to go from one side to the other. My walks are normally my time to talk with God, so I began walking and talking. I started following the path through the park. It led me to a street with neighboring homes. I continued walking until I saw an entrance back into the park. As I got back into the park, the path started looking a little sketchy and was not as clear anymore. There were a lot of trees down, spider webs everywhere, sounds I never heard, and too many squirrels to count. I had nothing else to do so I decided to keep going and see if I can figure it out. As I continued walking, I started getting nervous because It seemed like I was lost. There were no sign or people walking this path. As I was starting to panic, a woman and 2 dogs appeared. She gave me directions and I walked with her until she turned off the path to go home. Holy Spirit said that He sends people in your life at the right time and when that time is up, they have to follow their own path. Even though she had to leave, she repeated the directions and encouraged me to keep going. Always remember the lessons learned from those that had to leave your path. I felt better after my encounter and continued walking. Things were going good until I came to a fork in the road. There were 3 options to chose from. I was like Lord the lady is gone and I have no idea what to do. Holy Sprit said just pick one. I chose to walk a little bit down the middle path and noticed that eventually all three led to the same spot. Holy Spirit said there are many paths to take and sometimes we have to be brave enough to take risk. Know that when you walk with Him, He makes sure you get to the destination. I continued walking and turned on my music. Sometimes you have to do what’s needed to stay focused and encouraged on your journey. I was fighting off bugs in my face and even hit myself in the eye at one point. I was starting to get frustrated with this supposedly peaceful walk. Holy Spirit said sometimes satan will send distractions and things that frustrate us to make us stop, turn back, or even stand still. Don’t fall for it, just breathe, focus on God, and keep moving! Interesting enough the bugs in my face disappeared after that. I continued walking and came to a tree down across the path. I was like for the love of PETE what is happening here! Everything in me wanted to turn around and say forget it, but I had come to far. I found a way around the tree and kept going. I crossed a few old looking bridges and as I was about to panic again I saw a sign that said trail with an arrow. Holy Spirit knows how to give you confirmation when you are on the right track or need to adjust. I continued walking with a pep in my step since I knew I was heading in the right direction. I started to see water and got excited! I even discovered a pool near the trail. There was a bench near the water and I sat for a minute to catch my breath. Holy Spirit said take time to rest, reflect on the journey, look at how far I had made it, and be proud that I continued even though I was afraid. I got up and kept walking. I ran into a man and his daughter smiling at me. I knew I was getting close. When I made it to the other side and could see the opening, I raised my hands up in a shout of praise and thanks for this journey had ended in victory. While walking for the hour through the park it was hard to praise because I was so nervous, afraid, and focused on finishing. Although I didn’t praise, I never stopped talking to God. You may wonder why I wrote this, but I need you to connect it to your life. There are going to be times where it feels like you are in the wilderness alone. Take heart because God promises never to leave you and is true to His word. You may feel frustrated, scared, uncomfortable, or even inadequate but keep going and start talking. I promise on the other side of those feelings is victory. You will come out more confident, closer to God, and proud that you tried something new. No matter where you are in your walk, keep going until you reach the destination. Don’t forget to praise your way through and have fun on the walk!

Catrina D