The Journey

Hope for the Journey

The Journey

Go with me on a little walk. Over the past few weeks God has led me to work on my health by walking. This has become one of my favorite times of the day.  I get to clear my mind, have a conversation with God, and work on my thighs at the same time.  During this walk, I received some awesome words of wisdom from God that I want to share with you. I took a new route trying to challenge myself.  I began strong with my destination in mind.  I enjoyed the sights I was passing and the nice breeze.  After making it halfway, I started to wonder how much further I had to go before I reached the intersection. Then, I remembered I had to make a phone call in 40 minutes! Oh Lord!  I had to pick up the pace in order to get to the intersection and back home in time.  God encouraged me to focus on my goal and just keep moving.  Although I didn’t think I could do the walk in time, I pushed those negative thought out and kept going.  After doing a little power walking, I made it to the intersection and now I had 20 minutes to get back to my house that was over a mile away.  My thighs were not cut out for that!  I wanted to stop because I was tired, but God said, don’t stop because this is not the final destination.  I turned back and started running, but quickly got tired and the wind was working against me!  I thought, oh come on now! God reminded me that the winds of life may try to push me back but keep fighting, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord.   He also said don’t run because you can’t maintain that pace.  If you maintain a stride then you can keep moving forward, still enjoy the journey, and hear Him clearly.  Every now and then I got a burst of energy and jogged but there were branches blocking my path and I had to do a little dodging.  God said there will be obstacles on the journey trying to block my way, but learn to go around them and keep moving.  I looked back to see how far I was from the intersection and God said only look back to thank Him for how far He’s brought me, but don’t stop.  I was reminded of how this one walk was serving multiple purposes.  I was spending time with God, getting healthy, helping my physical appearance, helping my digestive system, and I was able to see new things on the way.  That is exactly how God does things.  He takes one action and has it serve multiple purposes.  On the way back I thought about taking a “short cut” down a familiar street because I only had 10 minutes left. God said don’t take a short cut because you may get lost on the way to your destination, just maintain your stride.  I began to see the corner before my street and got my second wind.  There was traffic and other runners passing me by, but I kept focusing on my destination.  God said I can speak but don’t allow distractions to make me stop.  God reminded me of the song Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield and I turned it on.  The words hit me like a ton of bricks!  I began to jog, laugh, and sing as I could see my house!  “Reaching for something in the distance, So close you could almost taste it, release your inhabitions, feel the rain on your skin!”  This song was a victory song that no matter how life looks I have the victory in God and will reach my destination!  At that moment I felt the freedom to be me! I didn’t care who saw my bad running form or heard my terrible notes, I made it to my destination!!!!!! I got to my house and made the call 2 minutes past the time.  I was so proud of myself, I did it!!!!  No matter what you are going through, God is always with you.  He is a great coach motivating you along the journey.  Be sure to soak in His wisdom, enjoy the sights, and don’t forget to thank Him and celebrate your victory.  As the song says “today is where your book begins…the rest is still unwritten.”

4 Responses

  1. Pamela Rhodes says:


  2. Kelly says:

    Great experience

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