Keep Moving

Hope for the Journey

Keep Moving

As I’m sitting here, my mind is racing with all of the different things I have to do. It can definitely be overwhelming at times! As I have gotten closer to God, He has helped me understand my calling in life. With that calling comes a certain level of responsibility. My calling is to spread hope to all, but how do you manage everything that God created you to do with daily routines?Good question huh? I have learned to ask Holy Spirit to lead me and give me specific directions on a daily basis. It has blown my mind because He does just that! When I start to feel like it’s all too much and I want to quit, I can hear Holy Spirit say focus on me and keep moving. Sometimes we have so many questions that we stop and wait on the answer instead of moving in the direction of your last instruction. Holy Spirit reminded me one day that He dwells in us, we can trust His prompting, and He will guide us. I’ve learned that when you keep moving, the answer is normally right there waiting on you. Once you take those first few steps, He’ll let you know when to turn left, when to turn right, when to stop, when to jog, and when to tiptoe! All we have to do is trust Him. So when life seems to weigh you down, it’s important to review those scriptures that speak life and renew your spirit. A few of my favorites are;

His strength is made perfect in our weakness 2 Corinthians 12:9

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Philippians 4:13

All things work together for our good to them that love God

Romans 8:28

Know that God is with you at all times! Keep your eyes on Him and I promise you won’t sink!