Just trust Him

Hope for the Journey

Just trust Him

As I am sitting in my hotel room, I am in my feelings. So much has happened this year. I look at where I am now and I was about to question God and complain, but had to pause. You may ask what’s going on. After many conversations with God, I was led by Holy Spirit to sell my home in St. Louis in March 2022, release a book in April 2022, and move to Georgia in June 2022. When I sold my home, I thought I was moving to an area closer to Faith’s school. Here we are August 9 and still no home. That’s 5 months since I sold my house. This journey has been one to remember. I have been back and forth from place to place and settled in this hotel since June 1st. I never would have thought that being obedient to God would have me here. I look around this room I am in with my daughter and dog and think God, how much longer. As I stated earlier, I was about to start questioning God when it hit me… I know that God loves me with an everlasting and unconditional love, so why would I entertain the thought that this journey is something negative or a punishment. That’s like a slap in God’s face. If He has me here, it is for a purpose and will work for my good. I am reminded of the need to pull back from my expectations and just experience what He is doing. MY expectations were to come here June 1st, find a great job, a beautiful home, move in and be settled before school started on August 1st. When things didn’t go the way I expected, I began to feel disappointed and frustrated. As I look at my journey with my spiritual eyes, I see how my story is inspiring and drawing others to Christ. Through this process I am learning to move when He says move, I am able to experience life without certain limits, I’m finding myself again since there are fewer distractions, and reconnecting with my daughter on a higher level. I could name many more benefits. On the other hand, my flesh wants things now. It wants a new home, to be settled, not to hear neighbors next to and above me, and even an oven to bake cookies! I have to choose to focus on the spiritual aspect and bring my flesh into submission. The relationship I have with God gives me the strength to keep going and smiling. I know that He is with me and only wants the best for me, so how can I go wrong. My waiting is not in vain. No matter what my situation looks like, I choose to praise Him, thank Him, and continue on this faith walk. WHY? Because He has a great work He is doing in and through me and I refuse to quit. For those that are struggling with certain spaces you are in, remember God is true to His word. He is with you and will lead and guide you to victory. It may be frustrating right now, but don’t get weary for in due season you shall reap if you faint not. The world is counting on you to reach your destiny and do what you are called to do. God is cheering you on and saying hold on just a little while longer. We got this! To God be the glory for all He has done and is doing. Don’t stop now!