I Can Do All Things

Hope for the Journey

I Can Do All Things

As I was sitting on my front porch watching my daughter ride her bike, I looked down and saw something moving. It was an ant pulling a bug 10 times it’s size. I couldn’t believe it so I got closer to investigate. This tiny ant was really dragging the bug. He would drag it a little, stop for a second, drag it again, and repeat. At one point he walked away but came back and continued until they were out of sight! God began to bring questions to my mind. Do you think the ant was complaining about how heavy the bug was? Was he complaining about how far his home was? Was he complaining about how the other ants were not helping him? Do you think the ant was grateful? It depends on his perspective. All of those complaints would have been valid, but complaining would have made the journey seem longer and just plain miserable. He may have even had resentment toward the other ants or felt like he was a victim. I choose to think the ant’s journey was different. I believe he was proud of himself for being able to move the bug! He was excited to show his family what he brought home for dinner! He was thanking God for provision, and making the most out of his journey. You may wonder what this story has to do with you. In life we can’t control some of the things that happen to us, but we can control our response to those situations. You can choose to complain the whole time and find all the negative aspects or you can choose to find the positive and praise God on the journey. I choose to believe God when he says We can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). So on the days you feel weak, lean into God. If you feel lost, lean into God. If you feel like quitting, lean into God. Remember God said His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Choose today to allow God to be your strength and make the most of your life by finding the positive in every situation even if you have to dig a little deeper.

2 Responses

  1. Brenda says:

    It is during the darkest days of challenge that our strength is given to us to pull through our journeys.

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