Don’t Miss God

Hope for the Journey

Don’t Miss God

I was on a airplane heading to Atlanta from Chicago. A young lady sat in the middle seat in my row. We spoke and I started watching a program I saved. After we were about half way there, she started to cry. I was thinking oh Lord, what are you up to? Lately I have noticed people crying and Holy Spirit normally has me speak a word to them. I turned off my show and ask her if she wanted to talk about it? Her answer was no and she turned away and began crying harder. Holy Spirit said ask her again, so I did. I told her sometimes getting it out can help and we have another 30 min on the plane. She said no thank you and turned again. I reached in my bag to get something and saw a copy of my book. Holy Spirit said ask her if she wants a book. She said she had enough books and didn’t want it. At this point I’m like Lord I have asked her 3 times and it’s obvious she wants to be left alone, geez. He had me use my notepad to write a few lyrics to the song “It Ain’t Over.” I asked her to read it, she did, and turned away in silence. I said a silent prayer and left her alone.

Why was this encounter so important? It showed me that God is persistent. He is really after us and desires to have a close relationship with us all. He also reminded me that we pray about something and when God tries to answer or comfort us in hard times, we reject Him. Whatever the young lady was going through God was concerned and wanted to give her a word of encouragement from Him. We have to check ourselves with receiving. Many times God uses His children ( or anyone/anything) to do His work, but because we think that person doesn’t look the part, or the time isn’t right, we don’t receive it. Some people feel that God should speak to them directly. Well sorry to tell you that God does what He wants so check your pride. Maybe He was trying to tell you, but you were distracted and missed His voice. No matter how He comes to you, be open enough to receive it.

To those that are willing vessels for God, keep doing the work. Sometimes it gets frustrating dealing with people that don’t seem interested. Remember we were stubborn as well and He kept seeking us. I had to get out of my feelings and stop taking it personal. They are not rejecting me, but the God in me. I am only responsible for being obedient, not the reaction or response. Continue to speak when you are lead because that may be the person that realizes God hears their prayers and is real. Mathew 9:37 Then saith He unto His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.

Catrina D