
Hope for the Journey

The Path

The other day I was led to walk this new trail in Georgia. The water was absolutely gorgeous and I was excited to go from one side to the other. My walks are normally my time to talk with God, so I began walking and talking. I started following the path through the park. It…
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Where Were You?

How are you guys doing? If you are watching the news and looking around at this world you may answer with a negative tone and clean it up by saying “I’m still here”. It’s been a lot going on in the media and my personal life is ummmm up in the air. I have been…
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Don’t Miss God

I was on a airplane heading to Atlanta from Chicago. A young lady sat in the middle seat in my row. We spoke and I started watching a program I saved. After we were about half way there, she started to cry. I was thinking oh Lord, what are you up to? Lately I have…
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God doesn’t need to be “fixed”

In the past I have been pretty open about my struggle with being a fixer. I have to intentionally say no when needed, learn to set boundaries, let go of people and things, and practice prioritizing. These skills do not come easy for me, but I’m getting there. Since I have moved to Georgia, I…
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Just trust Him

As I am sitting in my hotel room, I am in my feelings. So much has happened this year. I look at where I am now and I was about to question God and complain, but had to pause. You may ask what’s going on. After many conversations with God, I was led by Holy…
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Stop fixing!

What a day, yesterday was one for the books! The Holy Spirit hit me with some low blows. Over the past few weeks, I knew I was really off balance, but didn’t know why. I was exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. I even began feeling stress in my body and took off work to rest.…
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Keep Moving

As I’m sitting here, my mind is racing with all of the different things I have to do. It can definitely be overwhelming at times! As I have gotten closer to God, He has helped me understand my calling in life. With that calling comes a certain level of responsibility. My calling is to spread…
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As I was taking my dog for a walk, he kept trying to run away from me. We normally have great walks, but this day he was extra excited for some reason and I had to tug his leash several times to slow him down. As we continued to walk, the Holy Spirit began to…
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Don’t expect anything today, just enjoy any experience that God allows to happen Be in the moment and allow yourself to laugh, smile, joke, and play.